1. The Trinity
With every passing year as I continue to grow in relationship with God, I realize more and more that the only place I can depend on finding consistent happiness is in Him. There is no amount of positive energy, self sufficiency or good overall circumstance that will meet my needs in terms of being joyful. Despite their awesomeness I cannot count on my husband, kids, friends etc to make me or keep me happy. Everything in this world is so extraordinarily temporary that to depend on any of it for joy is like failing before you even begin. On the contrary, if you know that ultimately all the good things come from God anyhow, you can learn to find your joy in the Giver rather than the gifts.
(Don't get me wrong, I have not arrived in this department, but I'm baby stepping it.)
2. Family
I have awesome family members. From my husband to my kids to my mom and dad and sister and step parents and even my in laws- I lucked out. We have lived away from everyone for too long, but even with distance between us, everyone has worked to not only maintain but also build relationships. I am so blessed to have so many people in my life who I know are on my side no matter what.
3. Friends
I have awesome taste in people who also have awesome taste in people. I have a handful of the most amazing girlfriends I could ever ask for. Women who I can be wholly me with. Women who on my worst day would have nothing but encouraging and uplifting things to say to me- reminding me of who I am at my best. Women who when life gets in the way and we don't speak for months on end are nothing but excited when I finally make time to call. I had some pretty dysfunctional relationships with other females as a teenager so to have the opportunity to cultivate amazing relationships as an adult is a real blessing.
4. Creation
I LOVE looking at all the things God so creatively fashioned for this planet. My favorite are the smallest things, from insects to flowers to all the strange little creatures roaming the deep. I really love butterflies and other bugs because the intricate nature of such tiny, seemingly unnecessary things blows my mind. It's why I collect taxidermied bugs- so I can look at them all in real life whenever I want. It is also why I love the zoo and aquariums and also examining road kill. I know it seems morbid but dead things let you get really close to them and up close you see more clearly.
5. Listening and Encouraging
I am naturally good at this. God fashioned me to be a psychology major. I greatly enjoy listening to people's stories and reminding them not only of who God (whether I word it that way or not) says they are, but also offering advice in order that they might live that out. I am so interested in you.
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