Warning: This blog is highly motivational and may be likened to one of those early morning self help infomercials - but it had to be done.
I don't want to become one of those people who only talks about running. I know those people, and I delete them from my Facebook because I become exhausted with their "blah-blah-blahing" about how awesome running is, and having to look at pictures of them all sweaty and smiling at the end of some marathon. That to say, this will be the last time I publicly discuss anything having to do with running, so bear with me.
You have to understand first off, that I have tried and failed at becoming a runner numerous times over the past few years. I attempted the Couch 2 5K program and dropped out. I got wild hairs here and there to just run a mile and almost died every time. My shins hurt incessantly. I was convinced that I was just not made to run. The only reason I decided to give it a go this last time is because a friend of mine recently started running. Just, out of nowhere. She had had her third baby and wanted to feel healthy, so she started running. Little by little her time and speed got better- but it wasn't about that. It was just about accomplishing it at all, and how good she was feeling. I like to feel good, so I decided to run. I went into it with a totally new mindset, though. The goal was not for it to feel good, or become easy, or to burn X amount of calories. The goal was just to accomplish running.
I have been running now for 2 weeks. Yesterday I ran 4 miles, and today I plan to do the same. The past 2 weeks have taught me more about myself, life and God than I have learned in quite a few seasons. I would like to share what I have figured out so far. This is probably no news to many of you, but for what ever reason, my heart has just now grasped a hold of these truths:
1. Nothing worth while is easy. It isn't supposed to be. If it was, it wouldn't be all that worth while. No extraordinary feelings of accomplishment come from doing things that are easy.
2. YES WE CAN. Obama may have stretched the truth a little with this campaign slogan, but really, we can. We can do anything if we really set our minds to it. This is astounding to me, because I am not, nor have I ever been a dreamer. Sad, I know. I pretty much shatter my own dreams before they even have a moment to grow, because if it seems the least bit out of reach, I give up before I even begin. Running has taught me that just because something is out of reach, doesn't mean you can't get to it.
3. We were created to endure. Not just physically, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Running isn't just physical. Pushing through pain and fatigue is a far greater mental battle than it is physical. Learning to endure is something we can carry with us in every aspect of our lives. We are made to push through, keep moving, and constantly see the light at the end of the tunnel, because there is always a light. That is what God is. He is the light at the end of everyone's tunnel, whether they can see it or not.
4. Being strong doesn't mean being skinny. This may be the most difficult lesson I have ever learned. I feel healthy and capable, and in love with moving my body- but I am not model/actress/cultural norm skinny- and THAT IS OKAY. I mean that. It is, for the first time in my life, completely and utterly OKAY. Better than okay. Am I saying I won't have fat days? No. Am I saying I won't have moments where I watch prime time television and compare myself to some starlet? No. All I am saying is I am exercising for the right reasons, and in turn learning to love my body exactly the way it is.
That's all.
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