To go, advance, proceed, travel, move along, progress.

Monday, December 21, 2015


She waivers
Always tilting
Always shifted
Only ever momentarily
Fixed in equilibrium
Never long enough
To gather herself
Never long enough
To adjust
To the tension required
In order to balance

Because that is it
Isn't it?
There must be tension
In balance
In order to maintain

Polarity is everywhere
In this steadiness
It is being fearful
Of  a God
Who commands me
Not to fear
It is believing I am
One in a million
While understanding
I am only one
Of millions
A wisp
A vapor
A chasing after the wind
It is to love myself
Without vanity
Because I am Your masterpiece
But also
Not nearly as beautiful
As a lily

I am feet slung
One on each side
Trying to maintain
The symmetry
I know will
Make You proud
And failing
And flailing
And then
Finding again
My focus
My tension
My center
Which is You
And all the grace
I need 
To cover
My never ending
Ever present