To go, advance, proceed, travel, move along, progress.

Friday, January 27, 2012

You Will Know

 Dedicated to Mrs. Shirlee, who gave me a brand new place to start growing.

You will know you have grown
When it occurs
That you have no desire
To talk about "then"-
That "then" is none of their business
(Unless of course it is their business,
which will be revealed by something
mightier than your own need to
verbally spew your life story
into the lives and minds of everyone around you-
some of them strangers!)
You will know you have grown
When listening is just as useful
As speaking
And sometimes even more so.
When there is no need to match
The trauma and joy
Of someone else's life
With that of your own.
You will know you have grown
When all that is weak
All that is hidden
All that is dirty
And loathsome
About you
No longer defines who you are
No longer defines anything
Other than your humanity
Which was given to you purposefully.
You will know you have grown
When you see the light
About yourself
That everyone else
Is talking about.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

What Farmers Do

My impermanence is alarming
At best
I keep trying to focus
On today
What was given to me
Where my joy is found
And all my today's
Drift by
All the while nothing changes
Nothing grows
There is no magic beans
No stalk leading up to heaven
There is just work
And then reaping
The reaping comes in a flash
And then passes
Leaving a new season
Of work
A good friend once told me
"Drips and drops"
Find You in those
Rather than waiting
For some downpour
Which may or may not come
I feel on the edge
Of a Great Depression
Where I must learn to
Store and save and ration
It means patience
And faith

Raising my face to the sky
Enamoured with the dreams
Of drips and drops